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Town Council Regular Meeting 9/20/04

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall


Members Present:
Mayor Edward Havens
Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
Councillor William Aman
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin  (Left at 9:30 a.m.)
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Roseann Williams (Sworn in at 8:40 p.m.)

Also Present:
Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m., recessed it immediately in order to continue with 7:55 p.m. Public Hearing on Oak Street Park Refurbishment.  He reconvened the Regular Meeting at 8:10 p.m.


 5.    Public Input

First to speak was Craig Zimmerman, 5-A Amato Drive, and Chairman of the South Windsor Park and Recreation Commission, spoke of the success of the recently held “American Legion Baseball Tournament” which was held, this year, in South Windsor at Rotary Field from July 31, 2004 through August 7, 2004.  

Mr. Zimmerman said that Town Public Works crews started working on Rotary Field back in April; and he felt that the field “was the best field in the State.  He added that the Town had provided portable stands and portable bathrooms; and had a Town staff person working with the volunteers.  Mr. Zimmerman was pleased to announce that 750 people were present on the Saturday of the tournament.  He then handed out a copy of a letter he had written to the Town Manager thanking him and his staff on behalf of the “South Windsor Legion League.”  (A copy of Mr. Zimmerman’s letter is attached.)


 5.    Public Input  (Continued)

Following Mr. Zimmerman’s remarks, Mayor Havens added his praises to those of visitors regarding the condition of the playing field and its surroundings.  The highest praise, however, he reserved for Mr. Zimmerman and the hours of tireless energy and effort he expends on behalf of the Town—in particular, its youth.  

Next to speak was Mr. Bill Krawski, 130 Buckland Road, who preceded his remarks with a brief history of South Windsor’s first ambulance service, and police cruiser.”  He then devoted the remainder of his remarks to the work going on in and with the Buckland Road roadway because of the construction of Evergreen Walk.  Once again, Mr. Krawski emphasized what he felt was the importance of extending utilities to both sides of the road.  The developers, he said, were initially to spend about $2 million on the reconstruction of Buckland Road—which, he felt, would grow to about $4 to $5 million, with about 75% of those monies being spent on “the Manchester side.”  

Mr. Krawski pointed out that the Town of Manchester was not hesitating to bring sewers across Buckland Road to service two new proposed restaurants being planned for the area on Buckland near the entrance to the theatres on the other side of the highway overpass.  Another item he noted was that the Town of South Windsor was embarking on its 4th “traffic research program” in conjunction with Manchester, on Buckland Road.  According to Mr. Krawski, the cost of this survey was reported to be about $374,000.

In summary, Mr. Krawski reported that it was not to late—that all these contracts have overages, and this is a minor issue.  He continued to feel that bringing these utilities to both sides of Buckland Road was a minor issue and should be done in the construction phase of this project.

Town Manager Matthew Galligan stated that all the issues brought up by Mr. Krawski had been brought (prior to this date) to Planning and Zoning, Inland/Wetlands Agency, and the Water Pollution Control Authority.  He felt that sufficient input had been received from these agencies as to how something of this nature should be done.  He added that the Town Council was not the group to bring these issues before.  However, Mr. Krawski replied that he had appeared multiple times before some of those agencies mentioned.


6.     Environmental Health & Safety Message

The Director of Recreation, Raymond Favreau, used this time to inform Council that due to changing needs at the Town’s Community Center modifications would be made to the current access to the Center and to “parking issues.”  These changes, he added, were needed to better accommodate the growing number of “seniors” and the increasing need for “handicapped” parking spaces; as well as accommodating the transition traffic seen daily due to the Town’s “preschool program.”  Mr. Favreau said that work would begin tomorrow (9/21); and would take the remainder of the week to complete and be effective on Monday, September 27.  

Mr. Favreau explained to Council that the Town forces involved in this project would be personnel from the Public Works Department and Police Department; and then, using a map denoting the project, Mr. Favreau pointed out specific areas and driving patterns to be affected.  (A copy of the map is attached.)

Councillor Delnicki asked if those residents who used the facility on a regular basis had been notified of these changes.  Mr. Favreau said he had spoken with as many people affected as possible, was handing out flyers, speaking to the Town’s instructors at the Center; and issuing press releases.

Following this, Deputy Mayor Pelkey made a Motion to move Agenda Items 16. A. and 16. G. up to this point in the meeting.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Delnicki; and approved, unanimously.

16.     Unfinished Business

A.      Appointment of Roseann Williams (D) to the Town Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Roseann Williams to the Town Council for a term ending November 14, 2005 to fill the unexpired term of Muriel Yacavone.

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

16.     Unfinished Business  (Continued)

Following the approval of 16. A., Roseann Williams came forward and was sworn In by Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford; and took her seat on the dais.  There followed congratulations to her from Members of the Town Council and those present in the audience.

G.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter Into Contracts for Refurbishment of Oak Street Park and Waiving of Competitive Bidding for Same

WHEREAS, the 2004-2005 Town Budget has appropriated $100,000 in a new Capital Program for recreation; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor wishes to refurbish the Oak Street Park as outlined in the “Park and Recreation Commission Master Plan;” and

WHEREAS, quotes received by the Town for the rehabilitation of this Park were reviewed by Town staff and area residents, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that waiving competitive bidding would be in the Town’s best interest based upon (1) the simplicity of the project and (2) cost savings realized because of proposals received, the ability to use Town staff where possible and the offers of area volunteers to help in this endeavor, and the freedom of the Town to establish a Fall/Winter work schedule in order to expedite the project and avail itself of the most opportune and efficient time of year for this type of work

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the Town Manager to enter into contracts for refurbishment of Oak Street Park in line with the quotes received by the Town; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the requirement for obtaining sealed bids and accepting the lowest responsible bid for said contracts be waived pursuant to Section 715 of the Town Charter because it might be against the best interests of the Town in that the Town is likely to obtain cost savings by using the procedure outlined above.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Streeter

16.     G.  (Continued)

Following the Motion and subsequent associated discussion centering around the proposed “ice skating rink,” and anticipated parking problems in the area following the refurbishment, Deputy Mayor Pelkey moved to Amend it by changing the 5th paragraph to read as follows:  (changes noted in bold type)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the Town Manager to enter into contracts for refurbishment of Oak Street Park for an amount not to exceed $45,000 and to perform the work as proposed in the quotes received by the Town; and

Mayor Havens then called for a vote on the Amendment.  The Amendment was seconded by Councillor Paquin; and was approved 6 Ayes to 3 Nays on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

                Councillor Fine                 Yes
                Councillor Aman                 No
                Councillor Paquin                       Yes
                Councillor Delnicki                     No
                Councillor Pendleton            Yes
                Councillor Streeter                     No
                Councillor Williams                     Yes
                Deputy Mayor Pelkey             Yes
                Mayor Havens                    Yes

The Mayor then called for a vote on the Amended Resolution.  The Amended Resolution was approved, unanimously.

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

Motion to adopt the Minutes of the following Town Council meetings:  Regular Meeting of July 6, 2004; Public Hearing of August 30, 2004 (Placement of Referendum Question Regarding the “Elementary School Activities Renovation Project” on the November 2, 2004 Election Ballot); Special Meeting of August 30, 2004; Work Session of September 7, 2004; Public Hearing of September 7, 2004 (Proposed Amendment to “Veterans’ Exemption” Ordinance); and Public Hearing of September 7, 2004 (Proposed Ordinance to “Provide Exemption from Real Property Tax for Qualified Farm Buildings”).

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings  (Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Pendleton
Seconded by:    Councillor Streeter
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

8.     Public Petitions  -  None

9.     Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Craig Zimmerman, 5A Amato Drive, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission said he wished to speak to two issues—The first being recent discussions regarding the Park and Recreation Commission’s Master Plan; and he invited the public to come down and join in the Commission’s meetings and offer their input.  Reminding the listening public that the Master Plan, approved in March of 2001, provided about $23 million’s worth of recreation plans and projects.  However, following the defeat of a proposal to do some of those projects at a subsequent Referendum he felt it became apparent that business had to be done “a different way.  The Director then referred to the Capital Projects Committee’s plan to, at least “on paper,” start putting money aside for the next ten years—an amount which would, over 10 years, total about $1.4 million.

Mr. Zimmerman said that the Commission would be coming back to the Town Council the first week in November with its  “reworking” of the Master Plan (and he read the provision within that Plan that allowed for its amendment and reevaluation when necessary).

Mr. Zimmerman felt that Town staff’s recent “heavy” involvement at Rye Street Park revised the original cost of building two new fields.  In the original Master Plan these fields were about $300,000 to $400,000 each; however, with Town staff doing the work, the cost was about $270,00 for three fields.  That’s why, he said, the Commission would be returning to Council in November with its version of the reworking of the Master Plan.  

He requested a Work Session be scheduled where the Commission could have an “in depth” discussion with the Town Council on where it would like to see the Town go from here.  


9.     Continued)

Secondly, Mr. Zimmerman said that the Park & Recreation Commission was scheduling a speaker, Bob Bigelow, who wrote “Let the Kids Play,” to come to South Windsor on Thursday, October 7, 2004 to answer several common questions in most communities regarding organized sports—i.e., “Do you think our kids play too many games right now?”  “Are sports seasons too long  “Do you think we ‘cut’ kids at too young an age?”  “Do we place the proper emphasis on ‘winning vs. participation;’ ‘competition vs. fun’?”  

This will be the “first step” only, according to the Director.  The Commission would then follow up with a questionnaire to the parents of all Town children participating in our sports programs.  Following the questionnaires being returned, Mr. Zimmerman said that the commission would be having a meeting with interested parents and coaches; followed by a meeting with the leaders of sports groups.  After all of this, the Commission would be presenting a report to the Council of their findings and suggestions.

Councillor Streeter suggested that somewhere down the line the Town might have to go back to Referendum regarding recreational programs.  He asked that the Commission should not be shy about this.  Mr. Zimmerman emphasized that, for the immediate future, the Commission would be following the lead of the Town Manager at Rye Street—getting some fields built.

At this time, Deputy Mayor Pelkey made a motion to bring Agenda Item 18. A. forward to this point in the meeting.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Fine; and was approved, unanimously.

18.     Passage of Ordinance

A.      Resolution Approving an Amendment to Section 90-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of South Windsor, Connecticut entitled “Veterans’ Exemption”

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby adopts an Amendment to Section 90-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of South Windsor, Connecticut entitled “Veterans’ Exemption,” said Amendment described in Exhibit B. attached hereto and made a part hereof, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


18.  A.  Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey

Mayor Havens as the Town Manager a brief overview of this Amended Ordinance, explaining that this was an unmandated exemption, at the local option, to increase the exemption for veterans from $2,000 to $10,000.

Speaking from the public on this Resolution was James Throwe, 1330 Main Street, rose to urge the passage of this Ordinance; and to pay particular attention to the “income provisions” that it would be adopting to make certain that the veterans in the lower middle class as far as salary is concerned  (both combined and single) can fit within the parameters of what was being provided.  He asked that Council carry it to the full amount authorized by Conn. State Stature ($50,000); and he commended the Council for addressing this so promptly.

Assessor Charles Danna addressed questions put to him regarding this exemption.  However, in summation, he explained that he felt the biggest and most positive change to the Ordinance was the fact that the exemption was no longer tied to those over age 65 or totally disabled.  It applied to any veteran who fit within the income parameters.  The current limitations he said were $32,300 for a married veteran; and $26,500 for a single veteran.

Councillor Pendleton asked that Council (perhaps 6 months to a year down the road) be apprised of how many people have applied for this exemption.  

The Motion was approved, unanimously

At this time, Councillor Delnicki made a motion to Suspend the Rules to take Agenda Item 18.B. out of order.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Streeter; and approved, unanimously.


18.     Passage of Ordinance  (Continued)

B.      Resolution Approving the Adoption of an Ordinance to “Provide Exemption from Real Property Tax for Qualified Farm Buildings”

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby adopts an Ordinance to “Provide Exemption from Real Property Tax for Qualified Farm Buildings,” said Amendment described in Exhibit C. attached hereto and made a part hereof, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Streeter

Prior to voting, Assessor Charles Danna came forward to explain the purpose of this Ordinance.  He added that, currently, there are approximately 16 qualified farmers in South Windsor that could get one (1) building that would be exempt.  

The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan reminded Council that the annual “Hartford Marathon” is scheduled for Saturday, October 9.  He also reminded the residents along Main Street that Main Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

On another matter, and referring to the magazine Conservation Fund Update, wherein different municipal programs are mentioned, the Town Manager pointed out that the Town of South Windsor is “highlighted” for taking advantage of a municipal conservation program where the Town went to an energy management system for the Town Hall, Police Station, and Community Center.  The system was installed in these buildings; and the expectant savings because of this were about $8,600 per year.

Town Manager Galligan then thanked the South Windsor Rotary Club for the money it donated toward the “gazebo” installed at the Major Michael Donnelly Land Preserve.  The total cost of the gazebo, he added, was $8,000; and the Rotary Club had contributed $4,500 toward that amount.


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager  (Continued)

The Town Manager then invited Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works, to explain the “Open House” being planned for this Land Preserve site in October.  Mr. Gantick then came forward and reminded the Council that there would be an “Open House” at the Major Michael Donnelly Land Preserve site on Sunday, October 24, 2004.  The program will run, he added, from noon to 3:00 p.m.; and would include:  Walking tours; a hayride; a ribbon-cutting ceremony—all of which the Council Members were invited to participate in.

The Director also acknowledged work has been done and remains ongoing in anticipation of that day.  He said that the Boy Scouts have been “very busy” building boardwalks; a floatable bridge to be installed on part of the trail system; the pond was stocked with fish in the Spring, and now they would be adding “grass carp” to help alleviate the algae problem.

Mayor Havens then asked Mr. Gantick if Public Works planned to “dress up the front of that property?”  He felt it looked barren, particularly around the sign.  Mr. Gantick said Public Works was working with a number of different groups—some of whom were looking for ways to donate toward this project.  He said that the “Donnelly Family” would be donating a flag and flagpole, etc.

Mr. Galligan said that in the upcoming days he, Fred Shaw, and the Police Chief would be at the South Windsor Public Library given a talk on “Emergency Planning and Homeland Security.”  He reminded Council that CCM would be holding its Annual Convention on October 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and, once again, he added that he would be bringing three students with him as part of that program.

Councillor Fine noted that there was no “written’ Town Manager’s Report this week in Council’s packet.  She said that not having one ahead of time gave her no opportunity to formulate her questions for the Town Manager at the Council Meeting.  

11.     Reports from Standing Committees  -  None

12.     Reports of Temporary Committees  -  None


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Councillor Aman, referring to his call the previous evening to the Town Manager about Ident Road asked how it was that 14 residents on that road were without power for 7 or 8 hours yesterday and neither the Town nor Connecticut Light & Power Company knew—even though telephone calls were made, by residents to CL&P.  Luckily, he said, there appeared to have been no serious problems but, he added, there could have been in view of the fact that there were several elderly residents on that street.

The Councillor questioned how the communication breakdown had occurred—that, somehow, “the word did not get through the system.”  Mr. Galligan said that, following Councillor Aman’s call the prior evening, he called the Police Department.  The Dispatcher, he said, had heard nothing of this; but immediately following the Town Manager’s call, called CL&P with a “priority 2.”  

Mr. Galligan advised residents to call the Dispatcher at the Police Department if the power goes off in their neighborhood; because, as he put it, “we have a much better handle on putting pressure on CL&P to come out.”

14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda

Motion to approve Items 16. B. through 16. F. as the Consent Agenda.  (Please read dark headings only.)

Was made by:    Councillor Williams
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

16.     Unfinished Business

*B      Appointment of Carolyn Egan (D) to the Human Relations Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Carolyn Egan to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2005.



16.     Unfinished Business  (Continued)

*C.     Appointment of James Kupchunos (D) as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints James Kupchunos (D) as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending November 30, 2007.


*D.     Appointment of Suzanne Rose (R) as an Alternate to the Water Pollution Control Authority

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Suzanne Rose an Alternate to the Water Pollution Control Authority for a term ending November 30, 2005.


*E.     Reappointment of Teri Dickey-Gaignet (R) to the Patriotic Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Teri Dickey-Gaignet to the Patriotic Commission for a term ending August 31, 2007.


*F.     Appointment of Scott Andrusis to the Redevelopment Agency

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Scott Andrusis to the Redevelopment Agency to fill the unexpired term of D. Bruce McDonald, said term ending December 31, 2009.



16.     Unfinished Business  (Continued)

G.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter Into Contracts for Refurbishment of Oak Street Park and Waiving of Competitive Bidding for Same

(This Resolution was addressed, amended and approved earlier in the evening.)

17.     New Business

A.      Discussion ItemUpdate on New Refuse Collection System

Director of Public Works Michael Gantick began a brief update on the refuse collection system implemented in South Windsor on the first week in August.  After delivering over 7,500 new trash receptacles to single-family residences  and 88 multi-family units in South Windsor the  week before, Mr. Gantick reported that the new collection system went “fairly smooth.”  

A few statistics provided by Mr. Gantick:  About 93% of the people in Town requested the larger container; about 7% requested the smaller 65 gallon container; and as of last week, a little under 300 people had requested a “second” container.  Most of the input from residents, according to Mr. Gantick, has been positive; and for most people, one 96-gallon container has proven sufficient.  The biggest issue, he added, has been what to do with “brush.”  

The Director felt that, overall, it was going very well.  Because of certain changing policies, he felt there was still some confusion.  He mentioned, specifically, going back to the weekly “bulky waste” pick-up.  Less than 4% of the people, he added, have requested an additional container.  

One item of interest, according to Mr. Gantick, was “what you found out” through the process of delivering the new trash containers—notably some businesses that were putting their garbage out for Town pick-up that shouldn’t have been; discrepancies in what was supposed to be a “multi-family” and was not, and vice versa; the number of “home occupations” in South Windsor that generate excess refuse because of their activities; and the number of “group homes”—some of which are “private group homes” and some of which are “State-run group homes.”  This issue regarding the group homes, he added, was being looked into by the Town Attorney.


17.     A.   (Continued)

Mr. Gantick did say that, in the beginning months of the new system, there were “some reoccurring issues with delays or interruptions, etc. with our Contractor.”  However, he added, the Town “acted upon our contract provisions and assessed some fines in those regards” Currently, he said, the Public Works Department continues to work with the Contractor to insure that the Town gets the service it’s paying for and expects.

Still of concern, Mr. Gantick reported, were items such as “recycling;” but education for the public regarding this was ongoing.

Mayor Havens, too, reported that most of the complaints he received regarding this new system was the “brush.”  He also asked the Director to not tell the residents to “bring their brush to Ellington.”  He felt this was not “customer friendly.”

B.      Resolution Approving a Tax Assessment Agreement With Daniels Electric Inc.

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor’s Economic Development Incentive Program, established pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-65b, is intended to encourage the development and expansion of quality businesses in Town through tax and other economic incentives, and is designed to attract businesses that will generate substantial additional tax revenues and employment opportunities for the Town while providing quality goods and services; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Economic Development Commission recommends, pursuant to said program, that a tax assessment agreement be offered to Daniels Electric, Inc. to construct a 9,180 sq. ft. office, service center and warehouse facility located at 6 Sandra Drove in South Windsor, Connecticut at an estimated cost of $424,550 in land and building improvements

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     B.   (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council is pleased to offer a Tax Assessment Agreement between the Town and Daniels Electric, Inc. reducing the amount of the assessment of the new office building and facility to be constructed at 6 Sandra Drive, South Windsor, Connecticut, having an estimated overall assessment of $297,190, by 50% for a period of three (3) years; therefore the estimated assessed value of this new facility would be  $148,595 for a period of three (3) years, commencing with the Grand List following the date of the Certificate of Occupancy on the new building, unless said assessment is changed by the Town in any future revaluation, in which case, the assessed value of said improvements to the real property shall be reduced by 50% of said assessed value after revaluation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council offers Daniels Electric, Inc. this Tax Assessment Agreement upon the condition that the business shall (1) meet the construction cost figures and agree to the estimated assessment figures; (2) continue operations in South Windsor for a minimum of ten (10) years; and (3) maintain its local facilities approximately at a minimum of the currently proposed levels of employment during this ten-year period; and, if it fails to meet these conditions, Daniels Electric, Inc. agrees to refund to the Town of South Windsor all of the tax savings described herein which the Company has received.

Was made by:    Councillor Streeter
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

C.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $10,000 from the Contingency Account to the Town Manager’s Professional Account for the Clean-up of Route 5 in South Windsor
(Councillor Pendleton))

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $10,000 from Contingency Account Number 1910-9001-390 to the Town Manager’s Professional Account Number 1131-1310-320; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     C.   (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the expenditure of said $10,000 to pay for the maintenance and clean up of Route 5 in South Windsor from the East Hartford Town Line to Sullivan Avenue.

Was made by:    Councillor Pendleton
Seconded by:    Councillor Streeter
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

D.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Property Taxes to Fifty-five (55) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to fifty-five (55) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $17,065.16 and as shown on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Councillor Williams
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

18.     Passage of Ordinance

A.      Resolution Approving an Amendment to Section 90-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of South Windsor, Connecticut entitled “Veterans’ Exemption”

(This Resolution was addressed and approved earlier in the evening.)

B.      Resolution Approving the Adoption of an Ordinance to “Provide Exemption from Real Property Tax for Qualified Farm Buildings”

(This Resolution was addressed and approved earlier in the evening.)


19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Pelkey spoke of the “Ribbon-Cutting” Ceremony he had attended at Between Rounds, the new renovated bagel restaurant on Route 5 in South Windsor.  He urged residents to stop buy and see this new facility.

20.     Executive Session  -  None

21.     Motion to Adjourn

        A Motion to Adjourn was made at 10:30 p.m., duly seconded, and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmts.  (1)  Mr. Craig Zimmerman’s letter to Town Manager
              (2)  Map Depicting Changes at Comm. Ctr.
              (3)  Exhibit B. - Amendment to Ordinance – Vet’s Tax Exemption
              (4)  Exhibit C. – New Ordinance – Tax Exemption for Farm Bldgs
              (5)  Exhibit A. -  Tax Refund List